Parking Lot Ministry

Neabsco Baptist Church Parking Lot Ministry is an  extension of the Security Ministry Church; Usher, Hospitality and Safety & Security Minister We provide a sense of security and safety of cars and personally items with individual cars.

The duties of the Parking Lot Ministry is directing traffic, keep traffic flowing & moving as well as:

  • Keep the lot picked up and clean of debris. As traffic flow usually becomes an issue just before or just following the service team members normally canvass the parking lot and grounds and pick up litter blown in or left behind.
  • Provide a feeling of and actual safety and security. Ministry's members are always roving the parking lot while Church is in service, it helps to ward off any opportunistic thief that might look for the easy score of the contents of an unlocked car.  It also wards off vandalism attempts and mischief of any kind.
  • And in some instances the most important job of the parking lot ministry is to smile and greet people.  What an opportunity to make a first great impression on a guest.

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