Safety and Security Ministry

"Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood." Acts 20:28

Neabsco Baptist church have selected group of members who are trained and ready to assist the body in time of need. Whether its responding to a medical emergency, assisting with a missing child, or dealing with an active threat. The team members in place are trained to intervene is essential. The goal is not to lessen the importance of first responders, but to increase the churches ability to maintain order in their absence and fill in the gaps until they arrive.

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Church security sometimes seems to be an absurd topic. Some people have just never thought of it before. Despite all the things they have seen on the news and read in papers, they are convinced that “bad things” can’t happen in churches. 

Other people believe that church security is somehow a sign of lack of faith in God. In a survey of 4000 churches, more than 75% did not have emergency or security plans (Hawkins, 2012).

The irony is God has always used his people to accomplish his tasks. Pastors preach the word of God. Deacons assist the pastor and take care of the flock. Of course, God could accomplish all these tasks by himself, but instead he chooses to allow his followers to help him.

This is true for every function of the church. Some Christians have the gift to take care of children and teach Sunday school. Some Christians have the gift to work as ushers to welcome members and help first-time visitors. Other Christians work in administrative positions.

Like other Christians, safety and security volunteers use their gifts to serve the church. Just as all Christians face tasks that need to be completed on during the week, safety and security volunteers have tasks that need to be accomplished during the week too. Neabsco Baptist  Church Security team has worked for years to provide safety and security to the church and the members. The team attends training to improve their churches’ abilities to provide a safe places for worship and fellowship.